Sunday, 11 April 2010


Spotted in a disabled parking bay. Well, it is the one nearest the road, so all the passers-by will get to admire his posters.


Alex T said...

So glad I didn't see that in person as I wouldv'e been sorely tempted to key it. Hope you have passed this image onto the press and or police. I assume there is a fine for this sort of thing - he probably ought to know being a barrister, same as Sam Cam ignoring the seatbelt, these people really do think that laws are only for the little people.

Aeres said...

Probably not a good idea to pass it on to the police. There's a sign right above it that says anybody can use the space if there are no others available. Wouldn't take Rumpole to beat the rap in this particular instance.

If it's the car park that I think it is then it's right en route from Stanhope Road to the Health Warehouse. Surely you're not being deliberately disingenuous and opportunistic with a few weeks to go Mike? :-)

Mike Barker said...

Aeres, you must re-read your copy of Machiavelli's "The Prince", the final chapter of which begins, "The wise prince should always carry secreted about his person a Canon Ixus digital camera, for the purpose of bringing to the public gaze those indiscretions and opportunities which unexpectedly present themselves."

Alex T said...

Doh! I'm obviously due another eye exam as I completely missed that :)