Tuesday 15 July 2008

The Inspector knows best

Darlington Snooker Club on Northgate is to be turned into flats. Earlier this year it was announced that Derek White, the owner of the building, was to appeal against the decision of Darlington Council Planning Applications Committee to refuse him permission to demolish his motorcycle shop, above which sits the snooker club, and build a block of flats there instead.

Quite rightly, since Darlington has too many flats standing empty as it is, the Council supported the tenant of the snooker club, Peter Everett, and his loyal members, who argued convincingly that the club was a valuable local asset and that there would be no demand for flats.

Now a Planning Inspector from Bristol has decided that permission should be granted to replace the snooker club with a block of flats. Clearly local opinion and democracy count for nothing. This town will be the poorer for this decision. Decent people will lose their livelihood, local people will lose a sporting and social amenity, in return for which we get a block of flats that nobody will want to buy. This decision stinks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[quote]Now a Planning Inspector from Bristol has decided that permission should be granted to replace the snooker club with a block of flats.[/quote]

How it all works is very wrong!