A schoolboy error in today's Echo, with the headline, "Council is criticised over terrible state of cemetary."
Note to Echo sub-editors: in order to spell it correctly, simply remember that late at night all the ghosts come out and go "eeeeeeeee"!
This does, though, lead to a depressing story, which follows on from a similar report earlier in the week about North Cemetery, about the poor state of maintenance in our cemeteries since Street Scene started. Grass is strimmed and left to rot where it lies: often on the headstones of loved ones. Pride in the job has been lost.
No-one any longer believes the blandishments from officers or Council leaders that Street Scene is maintaining its horticultural standards. We can all see how the town's floral displays, flower beds, cemeteries and gardens have deteriorated markedly over the past couple of years.
Go out and talk to some Street Scene workers: morale is low, skilled horticulturalists are emptying bins, standards are falling. Our town once proudly stood head and shoulders above all others by winning national awards for its flower displays and horticultural work. No longer.
Just take a stroll down High Row and look in the planters (photos above): nettles, thistles and weeds proliferate and fight for space. All very depressing.
Update: Thursday evening. Walking along High Row this evening, I notice that the planters have been weeded and a compost mulch added!!